Scar Revision in Biloxi, MS

Scar Revision in Biloxi, MS

We all have scars from accidents and other injuries or even surgeries. Michael Diaz, M.D., F.A.C.S., a board-certified plastic surgeon, performs scar revision on people living in and around Southern Mississippi, Louisiana and Alabama, who want to diminish and erase more noticeable scars.

How are Scars Formed?

Scars are formed from injuries to the skin that causes it to split open. As the wound heals and the skin comes back together, it may leave a scar that is visible. If it is in a noticeable area of the body, people may be self-conscious about it. There are several types of scars that leave different permanent marks on the skin. No matter the type of scar, they can be revised to be far less noticeable or even removed.


Types of Scars

Depending on the type of wound and skin type, there are several types of scars:

Hypertrophic Scars: These are the thicker, raised scars that result from an injury. They happen as the result of collagen that does not break down at the injury site. They slightly diminish over time but are still noticeable.

Acne Scars: These scars are the ruddy scars on the face from severe acne. The appearance is reddish and raised, indented or both.

Contracture Scars: These scars result from burns and stretch tightly across the skin.

Keloid Scars: These scars come from a large cut or incision and result when they extend past the injured area.

The Best Candidates for Scar Revision
Those who may need scar revision have a large or very noticeable scar. Over time, after it heals, it may be possible to reduce or eliminate its appearance.
How Involved is Scar Revision?
Dr. Diaz evaluates the skin to diminish or erase the signs of a scar based on the type of scar. With scar revision, there are several methods to reduce or erase the appearance of scars. The treatments used to perform scar revision are typically laser treatments or dermal fillers. If a scar has not healed properly, he may consider surgery when the other treatments do not produce the desired results.
How Do Laser Treatments Remove Scars?
Most patients respond positively with laser treatments leaving their scars much less noticeable even erased. With laser treatments, the device sends low-level lights that destroy layers of skin to reveal new skin. Once healed, there is very little to no evidence of a scar. Laser treatments for scar revision causes some slight discomfort from the heat of the laser that can be minimized using a numbing cream.
After Your Scar Revision
The recovery for scar revision involves taking special care to keep the area protected so that it can heal properly. Most people return to normal activities immediately after the treatment. If the revision is invasive, the first couple of days may include rest to let the area heal.
How Much Does Scar Revision Cost?

Scar revision varies in terms of cost based on the type of scar and its extent, the type of treatment used, and how many sessions are needed to achieve an effective revision. We can review the costs during your consultation with Dr. Diaz as well as our payment options and financing. We accept cash, personal checks, and credit cards, and offer financing through CareCredit®.

Getting Back to Normal After Your Scar Revision
Many people return to their normal activities following scar revision unless directed by the surgeon. We recommend you avoid anything that can irritate the treated area, including swimming, heavy lifting, and strenuous activities, for a few days to weeks depending on the location and extent of the scar.
Your New Look
The result of your scar revision may take several weeks to months to fully reveal itself. Once the healing is complete and the new skin has grown in and developed, the scar is typically barely noticeable or even eliminated.

If you live in or around Southern Mississippi, Louisiana and Alabama, and are looking for a board-certified plastic surgeon that performs scar revision on people who want to reduce or erase the appearance of a noticeable scar, contact Michael Diaz, M.D., F.A.C.S. in Biloxi, MS, today to set up an appointment.

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