PRX Derm Perfexion in Biloxi, MS
PRX Derm Perfexion Treatment
Initially developed to treat scarring in children, PRX Derm Perfexion is safe for use on delicate skin and can address a wide range of adult skin concerns, including sensitive areas. Unlike traditional peels that affect the epidermis, PRX Derm Perfexion targets the deeper dermis and basal layers, enhancing the skin's vitality and delivering stunning results.
While not every cosmetic dermatology treatment suits all patients, PRX Derm Perfexion is effective for almost any skin health and appearance issue. This no-peel treatment results in brighter, tighter, and more hydrated skin.
Benefits of PRX Derm Perfexion
● Improvement in skin texture and tone
● Minimization of acne scars
● Enhanced collagen production
● Reduction of hyperpigmentation
● Treatment of sun damage
● Non-invasive procedure
● Minimal downtime
● Long-lasting results
Are you a good candidate for PRX Derm Perfexion?
When will I see the results of PRX Derm Perfexion?
How long do results last with PRX Derm Perfexion?
Is there any downtime or side effects associated with PRX Derm Perfexion?
What should I do before and after undergoing PRX Derm Perfexion treatment?
After undergoing PRX Derm Perfexion treatment, apply moisturizer regularly to keep your skin hydrated. Additionally, avoiding excessive sun exposure for at least a week following treatment is crucial, as it is more sensitive to UV rays. An SPF 30 or greater broad-spectrum sunscreen is highly recommended for protecting your skin.
What can I expect during PRX Derm Perfexion treatment?
How Does PRX Derm Perfexion Work?
The unique formula of PRX Derm Perfexion penetrates deep into the dermal and basal layers, stimulating comprehensive rejuvenation and healing and promoting cell turnover and skin health. Each active ingredient in the formula plays a crucial role in achieving these results:
Trichloroacetic Acid (TCA) – Constituting 33% of the formula, TCA is commonly used to exfoliate chemical peels. It stimulates fibroblast growth, has anti-inflammatory properties, and eliminates bacteria, microbes, and debris within pores.
Kojic Acid – This brightening agent reduces melanin production, improves skin tone, decreases pigmentation, and produces brighter, healthier skin.
Hydrogen Peroxide – Releases oxygen upon application, lifting particles and gently cleaning the skin's surface and deeper layers. It also enhances the effectiveness of the other ingredients.
The treatment is straightforward and painless. Your aesthetician will clean your skin thoroughly, then apply and massage the PRX Derm Perfexion solution until it is fully absorbed. Multiple applications may be performed in one session. Afterward, the skin is washed, and a deep moisture treatment is applied. Each session lasts 30 to 45 minutes, depending on the treatment area. Most patients experience little to no discomfort, with only mild tingling or itching that doesn't require any numbing or local anesthetic.