Mini Tummy Tuck in Biloxi, MS

Mini Tummy Tuck in Biloxi, MS

Michael Diaz, M.D., F.A.C.S., a board-certified plastic surgeon in Biloxi, MS, performs mini tummy tucks for residents in and around Southern Mississippi, Louisiana and Alabama.

What is a Mini Tummy Tuck?

A mini tummy tuck, also called a partial abdominoplasty, is done to remove excess skin and fat from the “belly” resulting in a flatter, more contoured abdomen. Mini tummy tucks are often the best option for people who have lost a significant amount of weight and have excess skin that tends to sag as well as women who have had children and have what feels like a permanent pooch.

Before And After

Mini Tummy Tuck Pictures in Biloxi, MS
Mini Tummy Tuck Pictures in Biloxi, MS


The Best Candidates for a Mini Tummy Tuck
The best candidates for a mini tummy tuck are in decent shape but have a small pocket of fat in the lower abdomen, or belly, that does not seem to go away. They should be in good health mentally and physically and have a realistic attitude towards the outcome.

Mini tummy tucks are usually one of the procedures selected for a mommy makeover. It is also common to have them in combination with liposuction. People with loose skin across the entire abdomen are not candidates for a mini tummy tuck.

Preparing for Your Mini Tummy Tuck
There is some preparation involved in having a mini tummy tuck. Some of the steps involve a complete physical and bloodwork to ensure you are in good health. If you smoke, you should stop at least a couple of weeks prior to the surgery and two weeks following the procedure. Prior to the actual surgery, patients are given pre-op medications to be comfortable. You should also stop taking any medications and supplements that may thin the blood and hinder the healing process.

A mini tummy tuck is invasive and requires rest following the surgery so it is highly recommended that you arrange for help at home especially if you have small children for the first couple of weeks.

Planning Your Mini Tummy Tuck
With a mini tummy tuck, we recommend you schedule a consultation with Dr. Diaz to know if a mini tummy tuck or another procedure is the best option. During a consultation, he evaluates your overall general health, medical history, and your lower abdominal area. At that point, he works with you to create a plan of action for the procedure from the preparation to the recovery. We can go over the costs because there is also some planning involved in covering the cost since it is not covered by insurance.

It is important to note that if you are planning to have more children or to lose weight, you may want to put off a mini tuck until these life experiences are complete.

Types of Anesthesia

General anesthesia: Longer, more detailed surgeries often require general anesthesia so that patients feel nothing and are typically unconscious during the procedure.

The Mini Tummy Tuck Procedure

A mini tummy tuck is simply a small-scale version of the full tummy tuck in which less skin and fat must be removed. Typically, this procedure involves only one incision across the area below the navel and above the pubic line. If necessary, the abdominal muscles may be tightened, and liposuction may be used to contour the abdomen. The scar is minimal and lies under the panty line.

Once complete, the skin is stretched tightly, and the incision is stitched close. A drain is often placed in the incision site to allow excess fluid and blood to drain.

After Your Mini Tummy Tuck

A mini tummy tuck is typically an outpatient procedure with a recovery like liposuction. Most patients return to work or daily activities within a few days following the surgery but should refrain from exercise and other strenuous activities for a few weeks.

How Much Does a Mini Tummy Tuck Cost in Mississippi?

The cost of a mini tummy tuck varies with each patient based on the extent of the surgery and whether another procedure such as liposuction is performed at the same time. We can discuss the cost involved in your surgery during the initial consultation with Dr. Diaz. Additionally, we review our payment options and financing through CareCredit®.

Getting Back to Normal Following a Mini Tummy Tuck
Most patients return to work within a few days or a week following the mini tummy tuck and regular strenuous activities within a month.
Your New Look
The result is a more sculpted, flatter abdomen that women have always wanted to have. While this is permanent, excess fat may develop elsewhere without sticking to a healthy diet and exercise regimen.

If you live in or around Southern Mississippi, Louisiana and Alabama, and are looking for a board-certified plastic surgeon to perform plastic surgery, contact Michael Diaz, M.D., F.A.C.S. in Biloxi, MS, today to set up an appointment.

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